And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry – Ephesians 4:10-12
Bishop David Griffin

Rt. Rev. David J Griffin (Bishop Ioannes) is a Christian “Wandering Bishop,” ordained in Paris in 1998 and raised to the Episcopate in 1999 as Bishop Ioannes. David today presides over Alpha Ωmega free church and transmits Christian rites, sacraments and esoteric mysteries supported by Apostolic Successions in all major and most minor Apostolic lines.
He is fluent in French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish, and English.
David is the author of the record-breaking, Ritual Magic Manual (Golden Dawn Publishing: 1999), in which Griffin finished the integration begun by S.L. MacGregor Mathers of the Qabalistic and Enochian systems for the elemental and astrological magic of the Golden Dawn.
Bishop Griffin is a high grade Freemason: 33, 90, 96 Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Mizraim (in possession of the complete and true Arcana Arcanorum), 32 AASR, KT, IX Swedish Rite), and an initiate of several other Continental European Rosicrucian and Hermetic societies whose names remain confidential.
Griffin holds substantial Rosicrucian initiatic transmissions. These include the Gold und Rosenkreutz Order, the Asiatic Brethren, the Societas Rosicruciana of Backstrom, Reaux Croix (Elus Cohens), and the Rose Croix d’Orient (Rose Cross of Egypt). Bishop Griffin is S.L. MacGregor Mathers’ present successor as Imperator of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.