Truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. – Matthew 17:20
Welcome to the Alpha Ωmega prayer ministry. There is no obstacle so great it can not be removed by the miraculous power of faith using the ancient Magick of Jesus Christ. Please leave your prayer request here. Just remember…
“Have Faith and Expect a Miracle!”
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Graham John Baker
One should also pray to end poverty in all its forms and to make all people both unique individuals while being equal at the same time political correct equality isn't true equality whether its racial equality or sexual equality or disability equality there are still many adults with disabilities whether physical or learning who are unemployed and they sometimes have one rule for physical disabilities and another rule learning difficulties, for example, how is it with some forms whether formal use or informal use whether paper or online sometimes people with a comparatively severe physical disability can do the forms on their own without assistance accurately and easily and quickly and yet sometimes a person with a comparatively mild learning difficulty such as high functioning autism sometimes have to have assistance filling in the form when it's more expensive to provide for mobility impairment than it is to provide for mild learning difficulties and forms are a lot cheaper to make than it is to make buildings mobility impairment friendly and provide access for those with physical disabilities such as installing lifts or elevators wheelchair ramps handrails stairlifts disabled toilets all of which are very expensive and also there is a lot more health and safety involved in putting lifts in buildings and yet making forms is far cheaper than it costs to put lifts in buildings and less health and safety involved in producing forms yet they have more than enough technology and enough money to make all forms whether paper or online whether for formal use or informal use manageable and easy on an individual level in a similar way to making forms available in any language if we can request a form in any language when in French or in Chinese we should be able to request a form in asperger friendly or severe autism friendly or severe downs syndrome friendly they do them in braille and in large print so why not in high functioning autism friendly and as a person with mild High Functioning Autism and mild learning difficulties why do I sometimes have to have assistance filling in a form while some people with comparatively severe physical disabilities can do a form on their own without assistance easily and accurately and fairly quickly yet if my autism and learning difficulties is fairly mild and yet I sometimes have to have assistance filling in a form yet a lot of people with comparatively severe physical disabilities can do most forms on their own without assistance both accurately and easily and fairly quickly and yet they don't do a much wider choice of forms talored individually for a spaciffic type of disability on an individual level in the same way that they can make forms available in any language so anybody can request a form in any foreign language on request if a person can request a form in German or in Japanese or in Arabic so they should be able to make all forms available for all types of learning difficulty and all types of physical disability regardless of severity or type of or form of or level of so that a person can request a form in Aspergers Syndrome/High Functioning Autism friendly version or request any form in severe Autism friendly or in severe Downs Syndrome friendly as in my view not only should we abolish slavery in all its forms we should abolish poverty in all its forms including poverty that is a result of have a physical or learning disability and nearly all places of work should be made to make their business disability friendly for types of and all types of and all forms and all levels of regardless of severity of the disability so that offices shops and factories and warehouses etc have disabled access for all disabilities regardless of severity of or level of or form of or type etc they have more than enough technology and probably more than enough money to to do so PS I am sorry I do not have a card to pay with due to having mild High Functioning Autism and mild learning difficulties which means I am more vulnerable and there is a much bigger chance of me over spending on a card and be unable to pay for over spending on a card
Received: March 3, 2021
First I pray that YouTube Big Tech will quit removing my comments and likes for the Daily Ritual like they appear to have done again today!
2nd, I again pray that the Dream Team's physical needs be met and that contributions to them exceed their expectations! I have had to give up on the contribution idea for awhile as I was furloughed for a week WITHOUT PAY DUE TO WEATHER CONDITIONS but in the lack can feel God Force Energy working as things are actually getting better at my job with tools being provided that will allow me to at least have a better time and have some stability in my employment!
3rd, I pray for an employee I encountered at Trader Joe's who was acting paranoid about the social distancing and masking deal which like many people stresses me out! Since the dude looked like a football player in his prime, I commented to him that I at physical middle age, I have more to worry about than him thinking he was another one of the Biden freaks who are so COVID conscious but devoid of common sense. He then told me he had had COVID and despite his looks was actually undergoing serious health challenges teaching me a lesson on Compassion that I was meant to hear. Therefore, I pray for this dude's health and well being and that he not get sick again but that he stay stronger and better in aspects of his health than expected!
4th, I must mention prayer of gratitude for a $25 gift card that I mysteriously found while cleaning off my desk that ACTUALLY HAD IN-STORE CREDIT AVAILABLE AT ACADEMY sporting goods store so I went and bought a thermal top and a stocking cap with the Spurs name on it BOTH ON CLEARANCE SO I ONLY PAID $2 FOR THEM. This inspired me to show compassion for my frail mom whose health and well being I pray for who happens to be gluten intolerant like Bishop David mentioned this wk, in providing some thermal warmth in thermal tops for her as in her old age, she has become cold due to circulatory issues. 3 weeks before my dad passed in 2005, in our last conversation on this earth, my dad told me to look after her as he knew he wasn't going to make it while I was so in denial. My father was exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam which was a diabolical carcinogen which guaranteed he couldn't beat cancer so I pray as always for his soul and that he knows I'm pretty much looking after her now like he would have done if he was alive and able to do so! My mom is a fundamentalist from the Bible belt tradition of fire and brimstone which sometimes gets negative but her church did help her out when my dad died better than most so I give them that and pray a prayer of thanksgiving for them as they feel COVID 19 is the end of the world so I get to hear their sermons as my mom plays them twice a week full blast!
I mention a prayer for HPS Leslie in particular now for her lovely feet that I got to view in the summer, 2019 Replay on Sunday as she showed them walking on desert earth there. I pray that she get to do that again this summer and that the Dream Team play some cool, meditative music like they did then again for the holidays especially! I pray that the Dynamic Duo always be protected because I guarantee the globalists and Islamics would like to kill you both for how you bring up their slavery crimes BECAUSE THEY PROFIT FROM IT AND FIND FREEDOM TO BE A FINANCIAL DOWNER FOR THEM!
Last, I pray that God Force Energy inspire the Dream Team to pick up that wheel barrow lying on its side instead of straight up in the northeast area of Columnhenge as it makes the grounds look a little junkie in their Rituals and set it aright so that when it rains they can catch some rain water in it too as I suspect that is what those wheel barrows are for! Blessings all around!
Received: March 3, 2021
Josué Francisco Castañeda Delgadillo
Por qué las cosas resuelvan favorablemente, que pueda seguir viendo a mi hija, que mi ex esposa tranquilice su enojo y terminemos nuestra relación de forma tranquila al menos.
Received: March 1, 2021
DJP aka Therun
I pray for the Highest Good for the Dynamic Duo and Dream Team who have taught me about God Force Energy! I give an example of how God Force Energy has helped me today; I needed to get my vehicle that I'm buying from my mom inspected to get the vehicle registration for 2021 renewed and the place where I take it had just closed but I concentrated hard on God Force Energy and lo and behold, the place arranged for the inspector to come back and helped me get it and in a hectic day I got it all done with my vehicle registration for 2021! I could really, really feel the power of God Force Energy today because that was rather miraculous! I just concentrated on God Force Energy and I called the garage's office as they had earlier in the day told me they would be open until 3 PM and it was 2 PM, man, I did a terrific sales pitch since my mom is disabled and she needs to be there since she is still technically the owner of the van and I thought of God Force Energy really hard while I talked to the Office Manager and she told me she would help us out so it was done!
I watched two Rituals as I brought up 02/21/21 Ritual thinking it was today and then I found today 02-28's Restream from 2019 but decided there was something there I needed to hear. Man, that music was pretty cool so I pray that the Dream Team bring it back regularly for the Ritual! I pray a prayer of thanksgiving for the Dream Team mentioning especially the Queen of her Sect of Alexandrian Witches, HPS Leslie and Bishop David, my first name sake as well who is a blessed dude as David means "Blessed" in Hebrew! I pray for the health of my mom who is getting frail I know it and see it! Before he died my late father who died in 2005 in our last conversation asked me to look after mom as the only child and I can say I'm doing that so I pray for the soul of my late dad because there was a period of misunderstanding and strained relationship between us but before he died, we came together and all was fine between us as his final gift to me. I feel God Force Energy running through me like electricity! All is ok! Blessings to all and to all, good night!
Received: March 1, 2021
Lorena Rodríguez
I request a prayer for my health. I have breast cancer stage 4, and I have not been feeling well lately. I hope my illness hasn’t advanced.
Received: February 28, 2021
Que se acaben las disputas, los malos entendidos y el desentendimiento al interior de la Orden. Que reine la armonía, la paz, la luz y el amor en los corazones de todos los formamos parte de la Orden Hermética de la Golden Dawn. Que la guía de la sabiduría del Dios de Universo nos guie y llene de su presencia todas nuestras acciones.
Light, Love and Life!
Received: February 28, 2021
Please bless everyone on Earth that all suffering ends now! And please bless me to control my emotions, words, thoughts and actions to cause no harm and only bring positivity to the world.
Received: February 21, 2021
Joseph Cunningham
Hello there. I am going into rehab on mon 22 of feb for 21 day's in treatment at the Royal Ottawa mentle health and addiction treatment. I am asking for protection. As a know there is Satanist that tend to work there. they will be doing therapy there for my mentle health. please pray for me. As I do not know how much privacy I will have doing my rituals. Plus I have been stuck on the rose cross ritual.so I will be in with Questionable people. please pray for me spirit, mind, and soul. should be out mid may and to keep my home from any break in's or car theft.Last prayer worked I got in a week and half earlier.
Received: February 20, 2021
It is my prayer and intention to awaken and enhance my connection to the magickal power of the God Force and to become a Master Magus.