Truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. – Matthew 17:20
Welcome to the Alpha Ωmega prayer ministry. There is no obstacle so great it can not be removed by the miraculous power of faith using the ancient Magick of Jesus Christ. Please leave your prayer request here. Just remember…
“Have Faith and Expect a Miracle!”
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Allen Hassett
I ask for prayers to go out for healing for my Son, Nealon, his Mother, and I.... They both came down with Covid 19. I myself do not have Covid 19, but could always use prayers.
Thank you so much for your prayers.....
Blessed be....
Received: November 10, 2021
OM Looking for spiritual guidance and direction pertaining what to do next, in which direction should I go according to Divine will. I want this to be revealed to me clearly. Desiring a miracle of healing from my injuries. Asking for protection, inspiration, and the healing of mother earth and the sentient beings. OM
Received: November 7, 2021
Thank you God for all of the blessings, miracles and Divine Magick in my life. It is my intention and prayer to awaken and enhance the magickal powers of the God Force within me and to become a powerful angelic mage. I give thanks for all of the blessings and support, in the name of Jesus.
Received: November 1, 2021
As for the heavens, as for the depths of a man who philosophise,
Reaching the everchanging winds, in which we sail adventorously,
Unmuted rythmical breath, clapping the humming tune,
As the way for us spreads out, in true love.
I pray for reason, and I pray to be sound minded and healthy. Wealthy and generous.
Received: October 26, 2021
Hello, and welcome to the prayer for my health. In this prayer, I must ask of you to allow me to acheive contact with Angels. And that God thus favors me. I am in need of a better health spiritually mentally and physically.
I am the first who managed to formalize the orientations of timetravel within our capable hands. By this you will know me, I made a clear contribution. I will continue with the work, and you may pray that I get together with all the right people, and soon.
For love, cus she (love) is the highest of affirmations that we recognize in human sphere.
Let me become who I was so destined to be.
Received: October 26, 2021
Johnni McCloskey
Please pray for the safe and speedy return of my 5 children, stolen by social services on 26-09-19. They are: Melody (age 11), Keiran and Ronan (Twins - age 10), Caolan (6) and Phelan (5). My eldest child Ryan (15) has been returned home to me wsithin the last month, the rest are in foster care, but are effectively prisoners of the state. All 6 children were taken based upon one 'unexplained bruise', which was proven in court not to have been inflicted by myself, as their lone parent. Still the state holds on to them, based upon character assassination of myself, lies, deception, parental alienation, including prompting and brainwashing of the children into believing foster care is better than returning to their real home - where they are only loved unconditionally without payment from the state. Please pray that my children themselves awaken to the soft prisons they are being held in, while the bars are invisible - these are prisons all the same - and pray that all involved in this mass deception receive their due karma. Thank you.
Received: October 24, 2021
Eliseo Escoto M.'.
Por mi despertar espiritual en la senda del ocultismo que estoy despertando en mi , que la estrella elemental gire en vez de estar punta hacia abajo como elementos sobre mi como prácticamente toda mi vida lo he trabajado , suba y ascienda hacia arriba para poder entender mejor estos nuevos procesos que estoy viviendo actualmente iniciáticamente hablando y como persona
por mi ahora ex esposa Viridiana ... por mi pequeño hijo Uriel de 6 años
por mi .. y mis pasiones y apegos ... y sobre todo por la sabiduría para poder desvelar el arcano con entendimiento y LVX.'. que así sea sea echa la luz .. AMEN
Received: October 20, 2021
Javier alexis Moreno torrealba
Obispo han persistido mis dolencias y insonnio mucho dolor en el riñon izquierdo en los huesos y en la espalda lado derecho muy escaso de energia deseo que ore por mi tambien el tema de prosperidad ayudenme por favor
Received: October 19, 2021
Leodes Wesley
I pray that the Catholic church will come clean about the hidden truth of Jesus and reincarnation. I pray that they end corona, by for filling the truth of the prophecy and let there be heaven on earth for the thousand years, no one is ready to go to the second kingdom because of separation with race, religion and political politics of poll-ution. I pray we meet really want to the truth of the manuscripts the church of pedophilia has hidden.