Truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. – Matthew 17:20
Welcome to the Alpha Ωmega prayer ministry. There is no obstacle so great it can not be removed by the miraculous power of faith using the ancient Magick of Jesus Christ. Please leave your prayer request here. Just remember…
“Have Faith and Expect a Miracle!”
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Marques Harris
It is my prayer request to awaken the magickal energy/power within me.
Received: April 13, 2021
Tambla Aboubakar Michel
I pray that Jesus can help me with my life to know what I have to during this lifetime of my soul experience . I want Jesus to bless me in business activities I want to undertake and also for my computer studies in order for me to be wealthy and independent.
I also want Jesus to bless my family. Thank you.
Received: April 12, 2021
J. G.
Heavenly Father,
I see the words of many typing in their pleas on this Alpha Omega prayer wall. Virtually may the cries of many rise to the heavens and be granted a witness that these are the words wished to speak power unto truth. Verily, Jesus Christ, the community of autism extends these same desires of the heart in an attempt to rise up to your namesake, Almighty, but God has taught that we must make the correction on ourselves first by cleansing the knowledge of good from evil before we can correct the Tree of Life.
During the Sabbath prayer, the autism community has many plights of its own. Each solution may tailor to your Divine Wisdom but I am only but a mere mortal and therefore humbly all my solutions I beseech thee, Lord. That with my career solutions and my knowledge solutions that all who desire respite from relationships, work, health may so dearly find the solace they seek. Were it not for Kingdoms, Great Spirit, the Monarch would not have the audience to hear these cries spoken out loud in word at the very throne and altar of God divine. kolob
My request as always, gracious Holy Spirit, that thou wouldst reveal, seer, and prophecy the , truthfulness, benevolence, and forbearance of these words by the power of the Holy Ghost.
I so testify that whosoever prays in these words will receive a witness of the comforter to provide their amnesty during their time of prayer for the years to come, the months, the weeks. Yea! For those who pray direct to God the Father and to His son, Jesus Christ, may the Spirit touch upon their answer to prayer at that very moment, I so testify in the appearance of angels who miraculously come to humanity during their hour of need. "Be not so of the world but in the world," in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Received: April 12, 2021
I have a cousin who was diagnosed with stage 3 Cancer and is receiving chemotherapy. Her insurance cant cover the full cost so she has to raise the equivalent of 300US$ for each session, money that she doesn't have. Pray first for her to be cured and by some miracle may the money always be available for her Chemo. Thanks
Received: April 11, 2021
Hi I've fallen on hard times and its difficult for me to even pay my living expenses. I'm locked out of my apartment for not raising the rent in time. Please pray for me to have money regularly for my living expenses and get enough to pay for the 'Spellmastery' course that's been on offer . I have great faith that it holds all the spellwork that will solve my lack of cash,
until I establish a constant cash flow.
Received: April 11, 2021
Prayer for the God force to envelop me and become one with my essential being. Prayer for abundance and prosperity. Prayer for love humanity in all areas of life. Prayer for divine mind to take control and become divine will. Love, peace and light to those lifting me up in prayer. God is able. I AM enough. Amen.
Received: April 10, 2021
Jessica Saavedra
I went to order food the other day with my nephew and three kids. My nephew is extremely autistic who is 6 years old. The people at chipotle denied service because of no mask. When I asked if they were going to reject an autistic little boy from eating food they all laughed in unison. The people in line behind us. The people employed. I felt incredibly hopeless. I cried in my heart that we had to turn around and find another location, direct everyone back into the car and drive again. I pray for this ego supiorirty to be wiped from the minds of man. I stood there in awe, for a moment it felt like I time traveled to Nazi germany. The way the people all United in this disgusting energy to kick out a mom and 6 kids all under the age of 6. What good did that bring them? I pray for cosmic justice! I beg for forgiveness and for Jesus to have mercy on their souls! I pray for the quick and speedy recovery of those ailed with darkness. I pray for unity! I ask for consciousness! May the light descend through them!
Received: April 9, 2021
I am 26, from age 17 I have been addicted to heroin. 18 months ago my first and only daughter was born and I have been clean since. I ask for your prayers that the people in the court house the judge and prosecutor who want to take me from my family and child and lock me in a traumatic prison for YEARS because of drug possession charges that are nearly half a decade old. I am not a criminal, I made mistakes and I was a drug addict but I have recovered and I need a chance at a positive life and ripping me just as my wings are starting to spread and locking me back in prison is not the answer, these people have already stolen 2+ years of time from me I can never replace please God help me see the courage in myself to be strong no matter how much pain and anguish are in my future.
Received: April 9, 2021
Clean Business opportunities, job, work, financial solutions to help my family.
J.E.S.U 28/10/1989
Received: April 8, 2021
I wish to start with a prayer of thanksgiving of so much that I have asked for has come true and that even in my reduced financial circumstances, I can see the power of God Force Energy in my life! I pray a prayer of gratitude that neither I nor my mom ever caught COVID 19 and that the Mask Nazis aren't allowed to be Vaccine Nazis with Vaccine passports like nasty, globalist New World Order Leader Bill Gates and his friend George Soros will seek as part of the New World Order system they seek to impose on us homosapiens with their control over demential Crime Daddy Prez Joe Buy-Him/Bribe'm/Biden!
I pray for Pres. Donald J. Trump that he confound his enemies and be redeemed despite the efforts of Prez. Joe Buy-Him/Bribe'm/Biden to use COVID Stimulus money to bribe us American legal voters into not seeing the reality of what he is a part of and his efforts to use illegal aliens as voters and to create a resurgence of COVID 19 as God Force Energy has told me that the reports that 10% of these illegal aliens in detention centers, etc carry COVID 19 which spread is also a part of the globalist, New World Order Crowd's Plan is true!
I pray that my enemy where I live, the drunk ogre, former employer named Frankie be bound and confounded so he can no longer come near me and affect my life any more while receiving his Karma for all the evil he has done and profited from!
I pray for www.goodpatriot.com leader Katie and her noble intentions as well as efforts against the globalist, New World Order Crowd!
I pray for protection from my enemies and the best for those who wish me the best always! So mote it be a true and powerful Prayer from me!