Truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. – Matthew 17:20
Welcome to the Alpha Ωmega prayer ministry. There is no obstacle so great it can not be removed by the miraculous power of faith using the ancient Magick of Jesus Christ. Please leave your prayer request here. Just remember…
“Have Faith and Expect a Miracle!”
J. G.
Heavenly Father,
I see the words of many typing in their pleas on this Alpha Omega prayer wall. Virtually may the cries of many rise to the heavens and be granted a witness that these are the words wished to speak power unto truth. Verily, Jesus Christ, the community of autism extends these same desires of the heart in an attempt to rise up to your namesake, Almighty, but God has taught that we must make the correction on ourselves first by cleansing the knowledge of good from evil before we can correct the Tree of Life.
During the Sabbath prayer, the autism community has many plights of its own. Each solution may tailor to your Divine Wisdom but I am only but a mere mortal and therefore humbly all my solutions I beseech thee, Lord. That with my career solutions and my knowledge solutions that all who desire respite from relationships, work, health may so dearly find the solace they seek. Were it not for Kingdoms, Great Spirit, the Monarch would not have the audience to hear these cries spoken out loud in word at the very throne and altar of God divine. kolob
My request as always, gracious Holy Spirit, that thou wouldst reveal, seer, and prophecy the , truthfulness, benevolence, and forbearance of these words by the power of the Holy Ghost.
I so testify that whosoever prays in these words will receive a witness of the comforter to provide their amnesty during their time of prayer for the years to come, the months, the weeks. Yea! For those who pray direct to God the Father and to His son, Jesus Christ, may the Spirit touch upon their answer to prayer at that very moment, I so testify in the appearance of angels who miraculously come to humanity during their hour of need. "Be not so of the world but in the world," in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.