Truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. – Matthew 17:20
Welcome to the Alpha Ωmega prayer ministry. There is no obstacle so great it can not be removed by the miraculous power of faith using the ancient Magick of Jesus Christ. Please leave your prayer request here. Just remember…
“Have Faith and Expect a Miracle!”
I pray a prayer of thanksgiving for the Dream Team! I'm grateful that I now understand how to use the force of God Force Energy without having to watch the Ritual daily like was the case before. I pray that the Dream Team have all they need in all areas including finances to be successful!
I pray that David Chipman is exposed by Gerry Spence for the role he played as a bad cop at Ruby Ridge in 1996 and is not confirmed as head of ATF!
I pray for the U.S. constitutional order and the Bill of Rights that it is all protected especially the 2nd Amendment!
I pray that the Dream Team receives my humble gift this week with appreciation and understanding as I was able to sell my nonworking truck and am grateful for the person sent to me to help me do that, Darla, a Massage Therapist!
I pray that my lawyer, Mike White is able to help me in a lawsuit brought against me by globalist Bank of America using a globalist, democRAT Justice of the Peace here in Bexar County where I live in San Antonio, TX!
I pray that my job prospects, income and love life improve!
I pray for the wellbeing of Pres. Trump and his family!
I pray that the GOP retake the U.S. House of Reps and the Senate in 2022!
I pray that the vaccine scam backed by Bill Gates is thoroughly exposed and that the globalists are confounded with opposition in the USA!
I pray that Maoist China be exposed and confounded with Russia supporting the U.K. and USA as a move toward peace both abroad and domestically!
I pray for my mom that she stay stabile and become better in health!
I pray for my two friends, Abraham and Thomas!
I pray for all those who fight globalism! Amen!