Truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. – Matthew 17:20
Welcome to the Alpha Ωmega prayer ministry. There is no obstacle so great it can not be removed by the miraculous power of faith using the ancient Magick of Jesus Christ. Please leave your prayer request here. Just remember…
“Have Faith and Expect a Miracle!”
Graham John Baker
One should also pray to end poverty in all its forms and to make all people both unique individuals while being equal at the same time political correct equality isn't true equality whether its racial equality or sexual equality or disability equality there are still many adults with disabilities whether physical or learning who are unemployed and they sometimes have one rule for physical disabilities and another rule learning difficulties, for example, how is it with some forms whether formal use or informal use whether paper or online sometimes people with a comparatively severe physical disability can do the forms on their own without assistance accurately and easily and quickly and yet sometimes a person with a comparatively mild learning difficulty such as high functioning autism sometimes have to have assistance filling in the form when it's more expensive to provide for mobility impairment than it is to provide for mild learning difficulties and forms are a lot cheaper to make than it is to make buildings mobility impairment friendly and provide access for those with physical disabilities such as installing lifts or elevators wheelchair ramps handrails stairlifts disabled toilets all of which are very expensive and also there is a lot more health and safety involved in putting lifts in buildings and yet making forms is far cheaper than it costs to put lifts in buildings and less health and safety involved in producing forms yet they have more than enough technology and enough money to make all forms whether paper or online whether for formal use or informal use manageable and easy on an individual level in a similar way to making forms available in any language if we can request a form in any language when in French or in Chinese we should be able to request a form in asperger friendly or severe autism friendly or severe downs syndrome friendly they do them in braille and in large print so why not in high functioning autism friendly and as a person with mild High Functioning Autism and mild learning difficulties why do I sometimes have to have assistance filling in a form while some people with comparatively severe physical disabilities can do a form on their own without assistance easily and accurately and fairly quickly yet if my autism and learning difficulties is fairly mild and yet I sometimes have to have assistance filling in a form yet a lot of people with comparatively severe physical disabilities can do most forms on their own without assistance both accurately and easily and fairly quickly and yet they don't do a much wider choice of forms talored individually for a spaciffic type of disability on an individual level in the same way that they can make forms available in any language so anybody can request a form in any foreign language on request if a person can request a form in German or in Japanese or in Arabic so they should be able to make all forms available for all types of learning difficulty and all types of physical disability regardless of severity or type of or form of or level of so that a person can request a form in Aspergers Syndrome/High Functioning Autism friendly version or request any form in severe Autism friendly or in severe Downs Syndrome friendly as in my view not only should we abolish slavery in all its forms we should abolish poverty in all its forms including poverty that is a result of have a physical or learning disability and nearly all places of work should be made to make their business disability friendly for types of and all types of and all forms and all levels of regardless of severity of the disability so that offices shops and factories and warehouses etc have disabled access for all disabilities regardless of severity of or level of or form of or type etc they have more than enough technology and probably more than enough money to to do so PS I am sorry I do not have a card to pay with due to having mild High Functioning Autism and mild learning difficulties which means I am more vulnerable and there is a much bigger chance of me over spending on a card and be unable to pay for over spending on a card